November Updates

Updated 10th November – Lorna Taylor

Village Gates

Village gates are an effective speed-calming measure. They highlight to drivers that they are entering a village and that the speed limit has changed. Installation of these at the entrance to other villages has been proven to reduce vehicle speeds. Due to ongoing concerns about speeding in Farley and Pitton, seven locations have been proposed for the installation of village gates. These are:

• Townsend – Pitton
• White Way – Pitton
• Lucewood Lane – Farley
• Grimstead Road – Farley
• Ben Lane – Farley
• Pitton Road – Farley
• White Hill – Pitton

Funding for an initial two locations was approved at the recent Wiltshire Local Highway and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG) meeting, with Wiltshire funding 75% of the cost and the Parish Council funding 25%.

As the Community Speedwatch Team have documented the worst speeding issues in Lucewood Lane, Farley and White Way, Pitton it was agreed to install gates in these locations first, with others following additional funding next year.

Pitton Nature Trust

Trustees of the Pitton Nature Trust attended the Parish Council meeting on 27th September and presented two proposals for consideration.

The first proposed that the Pitton Nature Trust take over management of part of The Close in Pitton, to create a small wildflower meadow with ongoing management by volunteers.

The second proposed that the Pitton Nature Trust and the Parish Council work in collaboration to effect the transfer of some land at Roundbarrow Farm, to create a community orchard. Both of these proposals were accepted by the Parish Council and detailed discussions will proceed.

Community Engagement – Allotments / Community Garden

In the summer the residents of Pitton and Farley were asked for their views on developing allotments and/or a community garden within the parish. Twenty-seven people replied and the key messages were:

• Many felt that any such facilities should be within walking distance of residents, and accessible on foot to school children
• Several questioned the need for either, given that the majority of village houses have reasonably-sized gardens
• Others highlighted the community nature of these types of spaces, where people can share ideas and garden produce
• In general respondents were more supportive of a community garden than they were of allotments

The Council will continue to consider the need going forward. If you would like further information on the feedback please contact the Parish Clerk.

Calling Farley residents

The Pitton and Farley Parish Council currently has 4 councillors from Pitton and only 1 from Farley. They would therefore welcome expressions of interest from other Farley residents who would like to join the Parish Council. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you would like further information.

Dun Valley Magazine

The Parish Council has noted that the current editor of the Dun Valley Magazine
(who has done an excellent job) intends to stand down from the role in March 2024. The Parish Council provides some financial support to the DVM and can continue to do so but would first like to check that residents feel it is still a valuable method of delivering local information. Let us know what you think by emailing the Parish Clerk. If you would like to keep the Parish magazine, then a new editor will need to be identified as soon as possible.


The Silver Plough

To residents of Pitton and Farley,

Pitton and Farley Parish Council has been made aware of a potential change to the ownership of the Silver Plough public house in Pitton. Many residents have contacted us to raise their concerns and make suggestions for this much-loved amenity to remain in the village, including listing it as an Asset of Community value (ACV)

We are in the process of confirming the current situation and will add this matter to the agenda of our forthcoming Parish Council meeting, which is taking place on Wednesday 7th December, from 19.30 at Farley Village Hall.

Residents are invited to attend to hear the discussion and take part in the public session at the beginning of the meeting. Alternatively, you may email the clerk at the address below with your thoughts and concerns.  The outcome of any discussions will be published in the meeting minutes which will be available the week following the meeting.


Thank you