Notice Of Elections

Registered voters will have received their polling cards in preparation for the town and parish elections on 1st May.

Please find information below, for anyone who may be interested in becoming a councillor for Pitton and Farley Parish Council.

For further information, go to or contact the clerk.



Farley Coronation Playing Field – Closed Until Further Notice

The Farley Coronation Playing Field Playground is closed until further notice.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) inspection report (available for viewing on Pitton and Farley website) has revealed a numer of unsafe pieces of equipment. These will need to be addressed before the park can be opened again. We will be fundraising for repairs.
Huge apologies to everyone who uses the play park but children’s safety is our utmost priority.

Trustees of the Farley Coronation Playing Field
